COVID 19 has undoubtedly put life off track, as almost the entire world is forced to stay indoors to stay safe. Still, it is better to see the silver lining even in such adverse situations. Why not consider the quarantine an opportunity to realign and reset the way we live? Of course, this is a great idea that everyone can try. The good thing is that staying healthy while you are in quarantine is much easier than you think. Here are some tips you can embrace to make the best of this break from the normal.
Assess and align
Perhaps, we have all been doing everything in excess, be it traveling, eating out, working or meeting people. Now that social distancing is a norm, it is time to be on your own. Assess your habits and realign them to change the way you live and work. Slow down, meditate and experience the luxuries of leisure. Now is the chance to switch to a healthier lifestyle that you can continue even when you go back to your usual routine after the crisis is over.
Pay attention to what you eat
Being home makes it easy to load on unhealthy snacks and sugar-laden goodies but this is the last thing you should do. Paying attention to every bite you eat is important as you wouldn’t want to come out of the quarantine with extra pounds and flab. You can access Wholistic Matters for some amazing nutrition insights for staying fit and boosting your immunity. Focus on plant-based nutrition, mainly whole grains, nuts and seeds, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, add immunity-boosting herbs and spices to your daily diet.
Have an indoor fitness routine
Considering that a majority of us live in cramped spaces, it would be unrealistic to expect the luxury of outdoor exercise during the quarantine. Establishing an indoor fitness routine is a good idea. Aerobics, yoga, and meditation make great choices, while you can burn calories by dancing as well. Follow the routine religiously and make it a rule for the entire family. You will surely feel fit and stress-free after every single exercise session.
Focus on basic self-care
When you are at home, there is seldom a motivation to look good. But basic self-care can do wonders for your mood and confidence. Dress up every morning before sitting at your workstation or starting with household chores. Pamper yourself once in a while with a bubble bath or a face mask. Don’t miss out on alone time, even if you are with the family.
Relax and keep the anxiety away
While plenty of sleep and rest is important when you are in quarantine, you must relax to keep anxiety away. Don’t think about the negatives of being tucked indoors; rather, enjoy the quality time with your family. If you are working from home, give your best. Spend the free time doing something you enjoy and miss doing in routine.
Consider quarantine as a detox for your body and mind. Purge everything negative and see it as a new beginning to a better and healthier life ahead!