Seven Myths About Meditation You Should Not Believe

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Meditation is the practice of training your mind. There are many meditation techniques. Some styles are based on concentration of thoughts while others are based on observation of the workings of your mind. Meditation can be used to improve awareness, to help you get a positive outlook and to streamline your sleeping patterns.

Benefits of meditation

Meditation has several health benefits. It is largely popular because of its ability to reduce stress.  Stress may cause depression and increased blood pressure levels. Meditation offers relaxation, which may also reduce the effects of stress and stress-related medical problems.

Meditation may also reduce the effects of anxiety. People who meditate are less likely to experience social anxiety disorders, post traumatic stress disorders, phobias, panic disorders and generalized anxiety disorders.

Meditation improves your self-understanding and overall emotional health. Meditation has been used to create positive thinking, which may result in a calmer and happier self.

Meditation offers an alternative method for people to overcome alcohol and substance abuse. Meditation directs the person towards self improvement, which may help in detoxification. Meditation can help you to go through valium detox without experiencing many of the psychological symptoms of withdrawal such as craving, anxiety and panic attacks.

Meditation improves the brain’s ability to process information and make decisions. It has been linked with increased memory ability, improved resilience and mental strength. Its ability to relieve pain is based on improving mental resilience, and is expressed as being stronger than most painkillers.

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Meditation improves the brain’s ability to concentrate even where distractions exist. It also boosts rapid memory recall, as well as increasing overall awareness. This could help improve creativity and the speed of processing information.

Meditation may help reduce the effects of fibromyalgia, menopausal conditions, asthma, arthritis and epilepsy. Its benefit for the body also includes the management of cholesterol, as well as the improvement of skin and respiratory conditions.

Meditation improves your relationships with other people. Through meditation, you will be more compassionate for others and yourself.

For children, meditation improves self-esteem, positivity and cognitive ability. It reduces hostility and aggressiveness, likelihood of substance abuse and increases mindfulness. Meditation is beneficial for all groups of people. It could positively influence your mind, body and perception of others.

Some common misconceptions continue to plague the view of meditation. From being considered a sham practice, to being regarded as the instant solution to any problem and everything in between, meditation is often wrongly presented.

You should reconsider all of these seven myths about meditation.

Meditation is religious

While it may have its roots in ancient religious practice, meditation is not limited to this. By doing meditation, you will not be joining any religious group. You do not need specific religious items, attire or incantations to meditate.

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Doing meditation is not non-religious. It is simply a practice for training the mind. It does not go against any religion. Many techniques have no religious attachment or source.

Meditation is just quiet relaxation

Meditation is falsely presented as a practice of silent thought and concentration. There are many techniques and stages of meditation. While some stages may involve silent reflection, they are just part of a whole.

There is only one real style of meditation

Meditation has long been associated with monks. The perception is that their type of meditation is the only real meditation. However, there are different variations and techniques You do not need to burn special incense, wear certain types of clothes or chant any mantras in order to meditate.

Different techniques of meditation have developed, bringing with them different methods. Some techniques even urge their followers to use meditation in their everyday life

Meditation is easy

Meditation is not easy at all. Many people who have been practicing meditation for years still have some challenges achieving the optimum meditation state. In order to truly meditate, you may even need the expertise of an experienced guide to help you channel your concentration in order to develop an understanding of how to meditate.

However, it is not necessary to have a guide. While you can meditate alone, the experienced guide makes meditation easier.

It requires years of practice to show results

Meditation has many benefits, including to your body, mind and perception. While some of the results of meditation may take a while before they are noticeable, others can be experienced soon after the first session.

Attaining enlightenment and control of your mind, as well as improving brain function may take a while to achieve, but the state of peace that meditation brings is experienced from the very first session.

Meditation is time consuming

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Meditation is not necessarily time consuming. While some people may spend long hours meditating, you can achieve meditation with whatever amount of time you have. If you are busy, you can easily fit it into your schedule.

Meditation practices vary in duration, which may be as short as five minutes. Such meditation sessions are very easily manageable. Committing three 20-minute sessions during the day to meditation amounts to an hour. This can be easily incorporated into even the busiest schedule.

The benefits of meditation may even coerce you into putting aside more time!

You must know the postures in order to meditate

Meditation is not about postures as you may have been led to believe. Some types of meditation involve specific postures. However, many other types of meditation do not involve any specific posture.

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The modern practices in meditation do not restrict posture. You can meditate just as well as you would while holding a specific posture when you are seated upright in a chair. You can meditate however feels most comfortable to you, provided that you do not fall asleep.

Final word

Meditation is a great alternative to medicine. It has been proven to work wonders in many types cases. Meditation alleviates pain, relaxes the body, sharpens the mind and helps people improve their understanding of themselves. It could be time friendly too! The benefits of meditation are broad. It is a practice that can improve your life, as well as that of anyone around you.

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