You Can Beat Lung Cancer: Dr. Carl O. Helvie Still Living Well After Turning To Nontraditional Solutions

Dr. Carl O. Helvie
Dr. Carl O. Helvie

Dr. Carl O. Helvie was a relatively young man when he was diagnosed with lung cancer and told he had six months to live.

Instead, he made a decision to fight back with something other than traditional medicine. And today, this healthy 80-year-old man takes no prescribed medications and is one of the longest living lung cancer survivors.

Helvie’s latest book, You Can Beat Lung Cancer: Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions (Ayni Books), gives all of us hope for a healthier future. “Harsh chemicals, devastating surgeries and painful procedures for conventional cancer treatment are not your only option,” Helvie explains.

He offers practical, easy-to-understand information on the types, causes and diagnosis of lung cancer, how we as a society view nontraditional treatments, and evaluates  different approaches to holistic and alternative treatments.

Helvie chose to use a wide array of holistic natural interventions: supplements, herbs, enzymes, diet, prayer and meditation. His doctors were astonished, but this combination meant Helvie was able to overcome his cancer and prevent any recurrence. Just as remarkable is his quality of life since the diagnosis of lung cancer.

A holistic lifestyle has continued to produce results for him. He is healthy and takes no prescription drugs, while 89% of Americans over age 65 have some form of chronic illness and by age 75 can expect to have three chronic illnesses and be taking five prescribed medications daily.

Based on his 60-year career in medicine and research, You Can Beat Lung Cancer incorporates input from some of the leading medical and health practitioners in the field today. Helvie is determined to show there is another way to overcome cancer other than surgery, chemotherapy and radiation that can have debilitating side effects.

Helvie is not surprised by the recent findings of a team of researchers in Washington State who found, purely by accident, that chemotherapy actually fuels the growth of cancer cells, making it more difficult to destroy the second time around.

A registered nurse with two masters and a doctorate in public health and wellness, Dr. Carl Helvie has decades of experience as a nurse practitioner, educator, author and researcher. He is the recipient of numerous awards with listings in Who’s Who In American Nursing, Men of Achievement, American Men and Women of Science, just to name a few. He has eight published books as well as being a contributor to others, and has published or presented internationally over 100 papers and articles.

He developed and published a nursing theory now used worldwide and has established a nursing center that provides primary care for homeless and low-income individuals and families. For more information, please

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