Look to Establish Local Chapter of Women Against Prostate Cancer
Women are invited to attend a meeting on Saturday, November 17, to discuss the need for establishing a local chapter of Women Against Prostate Cancer (WAPC), a national organization working to unite women’s voices against a disease affecting their husbands, brothers, fathers, uncles and other male loved ones.
The meeting will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at Gilda’s Club, 2816 Smallman Street, in the Strip District. Parking is available and light refreshments will be offered. Because space is limited, people are asked to rsvp by November 16. Call Allegheny County Health Department Public Health Nurse Lorraine Starsky at 412-247-7816 or Jerry Bortman of the Obediah Cole Foundation for Prostate Cancer at 724-942-4963.
Since women often play a major role in their family’s health by navigating the health care system, they can benefit from becoming well-informed about prostate cancer. In addition, women can develop into potentially powerful advocates for more effective policies to address prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer continues to be a significant threat to men’s health. It is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in men. According to the American Cancer Society, nearly a quarter of a million new cases are diagnosed in the United States every year and about one in three are diagnosed when men are in their prime years at work.
WAPC provides support for the millions of women and their families whose lives have been touched by prostate cancer. WAPC promotes public awareness about prostate cancer, education about screenings and treatment options, as well as informing policy makers about this major risk to men’s health. To learn more about WPAC, visit http://www.womenagainstprostatecancer.org/