Weight Loss is About Skill, Not Willpower

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Jill Weisenberger

Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator, Jill Weisenberger, Presents a One-Year Plan to Trim Down

“I need to lose weight” is the lament of many Americans, and too often they are looking for a quick fix.  There is no magic wand that makes excess weight disappear overnight.  But with mindful eating and expert guidance, a healthy weight is possible.  With her new book, Diabetes Weight Loss: Week by Week: A Safe, Effective Method for Losing Weight and Improving Your Healthir?t=smorga 20&l=as2&o=1&a=1580404545, published by the American Diabetes Association, registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator Jill Weisenberger has created a handbook for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes to help them reach their weight-loss goals.
Weisenberger begins by telling readers, “Chances are good that you have tried to lose weight in the past—perhaps many times. You may have lost weight but gained it back, plus more. Many people with diabetes think it’s impossible to control both their weight and blood glucose at the same time and are confused about which one to make a priority.  But there’s good news; you really can do both.”
The book emphasizes the first 16 weeks of the weight-loss plan and covers “The Basics.”  Week 1 discusses calories, keeping a food log, understanding carbs, introducing physical activity, and understanding what limitations there may be due to certain medications.  After 16 weeks, the program switches to a month-to-month format, reinforces all of the previous lessons and encourages further progress.  Weisenberger helps readers take the anxiety and confusion out of weight loss, and develop realistic SMART goals (specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and timely) as part of a personalized weight-loss plan that works.
Over the course of a year, this book can help readers learn how to lose weight and maintain weight loss by choosing from dozens of positive habits and work at his or her own pace.  Weisenberger covers everything from learning about healthful eating, halting negative self-talk, taming nighttime nibbles, knowing what to do when eating out, staying the course on weekends, conquering cravings, identifying binge eating, busting through plateaus, and staying motivated—and those are just a few of the valuable lessons in the book.
Filled with over 40 pages of tracking sheets, forms, and worksheets in addition to tips, action steps, quizzes, recipes, and personal success stories from those who have been successful on their weight-loss journey, DIABETES WEIGHT LOSS—WEEK BY WEEK will help anybody wanting to shed pounds, whether they have been diagnosed with diabetes or are just looking for a healthy weight-loss plan.  Weisenberger has created a safe, effective method for losing weight and improving health with no fads and no tricks; just simple sensible steps toward a healthier life.
Jill Weisenberger, MS, RD, CDE, has counseled thousands of individuals on developing healthier habits and living healthier lives.  She is a frequent guest on radio and TV; has been quoted in Real Simple, the Chicago Tribune, and USA Today; and has written for Diabetic Living andDiabetes Monitor.  She lives in Yorktown, Virginia.
The American Diabetes Association is leading the fight to STOP DIABETES® and its deadly consequences for those affected by diabetes.  The Association funds research to prevent, cure and manage diabetes; delivers services to hundreds of communities; provides objective and credible information; and gives voice to those denied their rights because of diabetes. Founded in 1940, its mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.  For more information please call the American Diabetes Association at 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2383) or visit www.diabetes.org.  Information from both of these sources is available in English and Spanish.
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