Pittsburgh Health Corps Seeking Host Sites for Highly Motivated Members
The Pittsburgh Health Corps (PHC), a local affiliate of the national AmeriCorps community service program, is seeking host sites where PHC members may be placed to complete their service commitment for 2014-2015.
Host sites will be provided with full-time, highly motivated PHC members interested in careers in public health or healthcare who contribute 1,700 hours of community service over a 46-week period from September 2014 through July 2015.
PHC is administered by the Allegheny County Health Department and aims to promote healthier lifestyle choices and improve access to health care by enhancing the capacity of community- and faith-based organizations.
“As we celebrate our 20th anniversary this year, PHC members will strive to connect their organizations to Live Well Allegheny, the recently launched Health Department wellness initiative that encourages residents to lead active, healthy lifestyles and take proactive steps to improve their health,” said AmeriCorps Program Manager Dannai Harriel.
“After 20 years of serving the Greater Pittsburgh/Allegheny County area, we know there are organizations out there that can benefit from AmeriCorps members. We are especially seeking organizations that have a need in the areas of healthy eating and exercise, environmental stewardship and helping individuals manage diseases such as diabetes, asthma and hypertension.”
PHC members can add tremendous value to community- and faith-based organizations. They typically have college degrees in public health, nutrition or health sciences or may be local residents with some college experience who are strongly committed to community service.
Host sites must be a non-profit organization and meet the following minimum requirements: commit to mentoring a PHC member for 46 weeks; provide members with service activities that complement PHC’s mission; contribute a cash-match; and comply with AmeriCorps regulations and member-prohibited activities.
For more information, please visit www.nationalhealthcorps.org/pittsburgh or call AmeriCorps Program Manager Dannai Harriel at 412-578-8360.