Will CBD Oil Help With My Anxiety?

CBD, as in cannabidiol,  is one of the main active elements naturally found in cannabis plants. There are a number of studies that already highlight CBD’s effectiveness when it comes to anxiety. 

Cannabis products that contain THC have also been associated with beneficial effects in cases of anxiety, but it might be a tricky option for some. This marijuana ingredient, also known as tetrahydrocannabinol, can also increase the levels of anxiety for some users. 

So, if you are really struggling with anxiety in your day-to-day life, then your safest choice might be opting for a cannabis product that only contains CBD. 

CBD For Generalized Anxiety

A significant amount of studies exist that show the potential health benefits CBD can offer for those suffering from anxiety. 

According to NIDA, which is short for the National Institute on Drug Abuse, highlights that CBD is showing very promising results in cases of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). The effects of CBD in these cases has been proven by significantly reducing stress levels. 

The study subjects (animals such as rats) in this research have had lower behavioral signs of anxiety, and there has been significant improvement in the physiological symptoms caused by anxiety. 

Social Anxiety and PTSD

CBD has been proven effective and beneficial in cases such as post-traumatic disorder (PTSD) and social anxiety disorder (SAD). It can potentially help with cases that involve anxiety, such as insomnia induced by anxiety. 

There are a number of recent stories that reveal CBD’s ability to alleviate symptoms caused by PTSD, such as getting mentally stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts and having nightmares. 

Another study published way back in 2011, has found that CBD can help manage the symptoms caused by social anxiety disorder. Individuals who received 400 mg of CBD have reported reduced levels of anxiety. 

One research studied the effects of CBD on speakers’ anxiety. The participants were male individuals, and they were given CBD before a stimulated public speaking test. This study found that when 300 mg oral dose of CBD was consumed about 90 minutes before the test, the speaker’s anxiety was significantly reduced. 

Finding The Right Dosage

If you are struggling with anxiety and wish to experience the beneficial effects CBD can offer, then your next step would be to find the right dosage for you. If you have a doctor or healthcare provider, they should be able to point you in the right direction. 

When you are in the process of finding the right dosage, a couple of other factors usually also play into determining the correct numbers. These factors include your tolerance level to cannabis, your weight, sex, and the severity of your condition.

If this is your first time trying marijuana, then it might take some trial and error until you discover what works best for you. The safest way of going through the “trying to figure it out” stage is by starting at the lowest dosage. If you see that a lower dosage is not providing the necessary benefits, then you can increase it in a safe manner. Continue doing so until you find the dosage that delivers the desired benefits for your case. 

  • Maintain your initial dosage for at least seven days, and pay attention how your body is responding to CBD.
  • If you need to increase your dosage after the seven day trial, then the recommended quantity of increase is 1-2mg every 3 days until you hit the dosage that works for you. 

Dosing with CBD Oil: Based On Weight And Specific Product

These charts are not meant to replace a qualified physicians recommendation, they are offered as a suggestive tool. 

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