Why Male Fertility Testing Matters

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Although this is somewhat stereotypical thinking, the practice has proven that men lead a more messy life than women. These include (not) adopting healthy habits, taking care of health, and being responsible for one’s body. All these factors affect the reduced fertility in men, that is, the quality, features, and speed of their semen.

Assessing a man’s fertility is one of the first examinations to begin a specialist approach to couples unable to have a baby. The reason for this is the high frequency of male infertility factor, which is the ‘culprit’ in almost half of the cases. It is a misconception that only women should check their fertility status; men should undergo these tests too.

Information from Sperm

In men, there’s no such thing as complete infertility, as this would mean the absence of semen.  It’s a condition known as azoospermia when seminal fluid contains no spermatozoa at all. It occurs in a negligible number of cases male thus infertility usually means a reduced quality of sperm.

Healthy sperm are required to reach and impregnate the ovum. It should have the right color, viscosity, clotting time, and the number of these cells should be optimal. Any deviation from the relevant values and patterns can be a potential cause of sterility.

Changes in the appearance, odor, and viscosity of the seminal fluid can detect biochemical disorders of semen composition or the presence of antibodies (infections), etc. On this source, check how healthy sperm looks.

In addition to appearance, size and mobility are essential for the quality of semen – volume, pH value, movement, etc. Clinical embryologists are examining these parameters after initial quality control of the sperm at the macroscopic level (seminogram – checking the physical features of semen). The microscopic examination of motility and sperm count determines the morphology and quantitative properties of sperm.

Check out this definitive guide to sperm if you want to learn more.

Parameters of Importance

The first thing to observe when giving a sample is the amount of ejaculate. If all the requirements for sampling (abstinence, non-consumption of certain foods, hygiene conditions) are met, about half of the teaspoon of liquid is a relevant sample. A smaller volume may indicate some problems that result in fewer spermatozoa. The concentration of sperm cells and their morphology are related parameters to observe. 

Spermatozoa are mobile cells that have a long way to go until fertilization. In order to determine whether they are capable of doing so, or how many of them can ‘go on a mission,’ lab technicians check sperm morphology and mobility. Seminograms estimate the number of moving cells, as well as how they move. Ideally, more than 50% of them should be active within an hour after ejaculation.

If the number of healthy, ‘mature’ cells capable of fertilization is, at least, half of the entire sperm count, the fertilization should happen in a high percentage of cases. If it’s lower than average, problems related to the conception occur. The abnormality in the morphology of the cell can appear on the head, midline, or tail of the spermatozoa. It is also possible for the cell to be under-mature and, therefore, incapable of fertilizing the egg.

Things to Know about Seminogram


Seminogram is still the most common form of analyzing infertility in men. However, most men will rely on the internet before checking web sources like YoSpermTest and opting for the at-home sperm test. That is certainly one way, and it has many benefits. However, it is recommended that an expert estimate your situation down there.

Fluid semen analysis is a routine analysis in a male fertility test. Before providing an ejaculate sample, a man should abstain for a few days, but no longer than a week. This is something you can do in certified labs; in specific cases, you can bring a sample from home. A specimen is obtained solely by masturbation and correctly assembled into specially designed cups. They should be available at the pharmacy stores and infertility centers.

Specialized infertility laboratories possess technical and professional staff, as well as the experience in approaching and solving fertility issues. Expert opinion is an essential item in making the assessment. Sometimes, physical disorders are not culprits for male infertility problems, but some psychological issues cause them. But you can hardly diagnose your condition without the necessary tests.

Some people have been trying to get a baby for years. While they decide to examine all the reasons why pregnancy didn’t happen so far, it is often too late. The recommendation of the relevant healthcare organizations is to begin clinical fertility trials after one year of unsuccessful trying. The sooner the source of the problem is identified, the sooner it can be resolved. Male sterility is no longer a taboo, and it is treated as successfully as any other disease that interferes with the process of creating a new life.

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