Ways To Reduce Risk of Injury When Operating Large Machinery

Ways To Reduce Risk of Injury When Operating Large Machinery

Large machinery can pose several safety hazards to those who operate them. From repetitive stress injuries to horrible accidents, a lot can go wrong. As such, it is important to take certain precautions to ensure your safety while on the job. Here are some ways to reduce risk of injury when operating large machinery.

Wear the necessary safety gear at all times when operating the equipment

Before operating large machinery, it is essential to don all necessary personal protective equipment. Examples of equipment that should be worn while operating large machinery include hard hats, gloves, steel-toed boots, protective eyewear, and back gear. In addition, ear coverage is also necessary to avoid hearing loss due to the loud noises on work sites. Such protective equipment should be worn the entire time while operating a large piece of equipment to help prevent injury.

Invest in tires with ample cushion for all machinery

When choosing tires for your skid steer, forklift, telehandler, or another large piece of equipment, it is important to ensure that they offer ample cushion. Because many large pieces of machinery don’t have suspension systems like cars do, the tires are largely responsible for providing shock absorption. If the tires are too hard or aren’t designed with aperture holes that help provide cushioning for the machinery, every little bump that the equipment runs over will be felt by the operator.

In addition to increasing operator fatigue, the bumpy ride will put excess strain on the operator’s lower back. Over time, debilitating lower back pain will likely occur as a result. To avoid back injuries and chronic pain, it is important to invest in tires that provide plenty of cushioning and shock absorption for your heavy equipment.

Practice effective communication

One of the best ways to reduce risk of injury when operating large machinery is to practice effective communication. While it may seem simple, effectively communicating with the other people on your job site can significantly reduce the number of accidents and injuries that occur when operating heavy equipment.

However, due to the high noise levels that are often present when operating large machinery, quality communication can be challenging to foster. Some examples of ways to improve communication on your job site include using quality headsets and two-way radios as well as carefully outlining the job duties for all personnel on the site before operations begin. 

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