UPMC Senior Community Cumberland Woods Village to Host Health Fair for Seniors

WHAT: Day-long health fair for area seniors who will receive free evaluations including blood pressure, bone health, medication review and vision questions to assess balance and fall risks. There will be a demonstration and discussion regarding driving safety tips and recommendations for seniors. In addition, the UPMC Health Plan SMART unit will be on site. Gardening and cooking demonstrations, as well as Oasis successful aging programs, will be available. Tours of Cumberland Woods Village will be offered throughout the day.

WHO: Local area seniors; representatives from the UPMC Health Plan, University of Pittsburgh Aging Institute, and the Center for Rehabilitation Services; nursing and pharmacy students; as well as other local and UPMC envoys

Neil Resnick, M.D., Chief, Division of Geriatrics, UPMC, will speak on, “Dispelling the Myths on Aging” at 9 a.m.

Leslie Bonci, Director of Sports Nutrition, UPMC, will discuss, “Eating Well, Aging Better,” at 11 a.m.

WHEN: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday, May 15

WHERECumberland Woods Village, 700 Cumberland Woods Dr., Allison Park (located on the UPMC Passavant campus)

WHY:  Falls and mobility problems often are common in older adults, but are not just the result of getting older. Many falls can be prevented. A number of factors contribute to a person’s likelihood to fall, such as medications, muscle weakness, poor vision and the environment. In many cases, falls result in serious problems for older adults that include the loss of confidence, self-esteem and reduced independence.

In addition to this UPMC Health Plan fall-prevention assessment, seniors will receive information on other health-related issues including nutrition, cardiac health, stroke and injury prevention, and incontinence. Community College of Allegheny County will provide details about free classes available for seniors

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