Understanding The Psychology Of Hair Loss

Very few people will go through life without experiencing hair loss, and yet we’d sooner talk about far more seemingly difficult and taboo subjects than this. 

Perhaps, you don’t really like someone that much? You might throw a rather unpleasant jibe about weight gain around the office. Are you packing it on for the winter, Margaret? But if you were to scream, getting a bit thin on top, aren’t you, Maggie? The result would likely be (if you’re answerable to anyone), that you’d be dragged down to human resources for a warning. 

Maggie (and Mike for that matter) might be getting very thin on top, but heaven forbid it is mentioned in polite or impolite conversation. The embarrassment, humiliation, sadness, anxiety, and depression that hair loss typically carries has such a sting-that is simply never mentioned. People are left to suffer in what can sometimes be suicidal silence. 

Hair In Society

Hair is not what we are but it makes us human in many ways. To shave a person’s head is a dehumanizing act and is done as a form of severe punishment or cruelty, and even then, very rarely. 

In post-war France, women found to have had relationships with the German officers during France’s occupation were punished by having their hair shorn in front of marauding crowds. It was absolutely the worst and most cruel punishment that could have been thought up. At the same time, cruel and jealous Irish nuns hacked at the hair of young girls left in their charge and care. Losing our hair conjures up feelings of dread, fear, anxiety, and loss. 

Why Do We Lose Our Hair

But, the stats on hair loss in an age of embracing mental health awareness is something worth talking about. We can all look around us and note that many men and women have nothing resembling the crowning glory they sported as teenagers. In fact, many men and women in their forties and beyond experience thinning of the hair. 40% of people in their forties have hair loss, 50% in their fifties, 60% in their sixties, and so on. For many people, and in particular women, the loss of their crowning glory can lead to devastating psychological symptoms that have little to do with vanity.

Men and women affected are not interested in anti-depressants and counselling sessions about their inner-selves. They want their hair back. Sadly, this is currently all that the UK’s NHS has to offer. Nor is it cost efficient. And many men and women are still under the impression that aside from a wig or hairpiece, that is often ill-fitting and far from inconspicuous, there are no other options. 

Even after we as a civilization, that has launched satellites and technology into our far-reaching galaxies, the problem of hair loss remains. But hair loss is predominantly about aging, and we are unlikely ever to solve that problem. 

Are There Any Hair Loss Solutions?

But there are real options available now to both men and women. For a few people experiencing hair loss, it could be because of health issues such as psoriasis. By treating the skin condition, hair growth will improve. Hair loss can also be due to dietary problems.

Generally speaking, however, hair loss is due to female or male pattern baldness (MPB). 

For men, the problem has been easier to solve as often, MPB leaves an area of hair at the back of the head that is impervious to the balding gene. That means that transplanting the follicles from the back of the head to the top will have an excellent aesthetic result, which will last. 

Female Hair Loss Solutions

For women, the problem is more challenging, as female pattern baldness tends to affect the whole of the head, and redistributing the hair won’t help. In the UK, women can consider getting in touch with Lucinda Ellery, who has various solutions for women. In some circumstances, a sympathetic GP in the UK may also be able to arrange to have the Lucinda Ellery fees paid for this procedure, which involves the weaving of permanent hairpieces or micro extensions into the hair and onto the scalp. It is also possible for women to undergo a female hair transplant that uses fibers rather than donor hair. 

Accessing Your Options

So while solutions are available, the problem of accessibility remains. In the UK and Ireland, prices for hair transplants remain out of the reach of many. Prices for a hair transplant are around the price of a car. The difference being you can get finance on a vehicle, as it’s an asset that can be reclaimed if you falter on payments. 

Medical Tourism 

What has become a real solution to accessibility are hair transplants abroad where the pound and euro are strong, and flights are inexpensive. The leader for hair transplant medical tourism is Turkey. Not only is there a wealth of highly experienced and innovative hair transplant surgeons, but the Turkish lira also allows for incredible value for British and Irish patients. A safe and good quality guaranteed hair transplant in Turkey can cost from as little as 1500EUR. And many clinics will even offer finance on the procedure. 

For anyone suffering from psychological issues related to hair loss, we recommend a visit to your doctor and some internet research which can be the beginning of finding a real solution to your problem. 

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