Among the most interesting topics people are talking about recently is whether juicing is healthy or just the latest health trend. There are different opinions about this, but here are the most common misconceptions about juicing you should know.
Juice Contains No Nutrients
Many people think juice doesn’t contain nutrients such as fiber and magnesium. While most of a fruit or vegetable’s nutrients exists in the skin, pulp, and other ingredients—which you lose in juicing—the juice itself still contains soluble fiber, which is good for your digestive system. Plus, the remaining nutrients in the juice are still extremely beneficial for you. You can also retain more of these nutrients by simply leaving the pulp in your juice.
Juice Has Excessive Sugar
You don’t always consume too much sugar by drinking juice because the sugar content in your juice depends on the other ingredients you put in it. It’s best to use an 80/20 ratio of vegetables to fruits to get the most nutritional value from your juice.
Juice Cleanses Don’t Work
There’s some debate about whether a juice cleanse or detox is actually effective. Opinions differ, but you can’t deny that consuming juiced cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, kale, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, radishes, and cabbage can boost your internal detoxification process. These veggies have phytonutrients that are proven to help with body detox.
Eating Plant-Based Foods Is Better for You
One of the most common misconceptions about juicing is that eating plant-based foods is better than juicing them. However, when you think about it, it really doesn’t matter how you ingest fruits and vegetables, as long as you consume lots of them. Whether you eat them or drink them as a juice, you’ll get their health benefits.
Bacteria Can Make Its Way Into Juices
It’s possible for pathogens to contaminate juices, but this most often happens in facilities that mass-produce juice. When you make your fruit drink at home, you can control the cleanliness of your juicer. Just remember to wash your hands for a clean start and peel your peelable fruits and vegetables before juicing them to get rid of any remaining pesticides. This will help you make juice that’s not only safe to drink but also rich in nutrients.
Juicing Is Just a Diet Trend
No, juicing isn’t just a big trend that dieters love to follow. Various studies have proven the positive effects juice can have on nutrition and health. Moreover, drinking fresh fruit or vegetable juice is a healthy practice that dates back to ancient times. With so many health benefits, it’s no wonder why more and more people are turning to fresh, convenient, nutritional juice to meet their daily intake of fruits and vegetables.