The Best Getaway Ideas for Girls

Girl Hiking

You and your friends are all free for the coming weekend, and you’re looking for fun and exciting ways to spend your time together. You’ve come to the right place. Below are some unusual getaway ideas that you can try out with the girls. 

Go on a Hike

Who cares if not all of you are into the great outdoors. It would still be fun to be one with nature when your girlfriends are around. You don’t have to do something very challenging. 

However, it would be fun if you can go to a place that will take you out of your comfort zones, if only for a few hours. The shared difficulties will definitely make your bond stronger. 

Make sure that it will be a fun activity though by preparing all that you need. If you are new to hiking, then it’s a good idea to take some lessons first. 

Go on a Wine Tasting Tour

If you all love wine, then it would be a good girls getaway idea to go on a wine tasting tour. Napa Valley is, of course, the first destination that comes to mind when you think about wine tasting. You can rent a house and taste all the wine you can handle. 

You are with your friends, after all, so drinking more wine than usual is perfectly fine. Moreover, what goes well with wine? Food, of course. One of the best things about Napa Valley is the presence of Michelin-starred restaurants. 

Because you’re in the company of good friends, you shouldn’t feel bad if you gain some weight over the weekend. 

Go Artsy Fartsy

You and your friends can be creative and sign up for an art workshop. It’s good to explore your creative side with good friends; people you know will not judge the output of your creative pursuits. 

If your friends are not into visual arts, then you can participate in a writing or poetry class instead. The plan is to get your creative juices flowing and to get inspiration from one another. 

If you’re in no mood to be creative, then you can spend time in an art gallery or museum and bathe yourself in art and culture. 

Go on a Healing Retreat

Not all girlfriend getaways are about indulgence and hedonism. If you want a unique and truly rewarding experience, then you and your girlfriends can go on a healing retreat. This kind of activity is perfect for those who want to get away from the hustle and bustle of city living. 

You have been working hard the entire week so allow yourself to be pampered over the weekend. There are many spas and resorts that offer girls getaway packages that include first-class accommodation and luxurious spa treatments. 

Book for that weekend healing retreat today. Your body will surely thank you come Monday. 

Life is short. So be sure to plan that getaway well. Spend time with good friends while you still have the time, energy, and resources.

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