Pennsylvania Legislators Acknowledge Men’s Health Awareness Day – April 16, 2013

Members of General Assembly of Pennsylvania recognized April 16, 2013 as Men’s Health Awareness Day in Pennsylvania by passing unanimously House Resolution No. 233 Wednesday, April 10 at the State Capitol.

“This legislation reflects my broader interest in encouraging deliberate and conscious healthy living choices among all individuals,” said Rep. Duane Milne (R-Chester), and sponsor of the resolution. “I often refer to this as a ‘learned lifestyle’. For men in particular, they can face certain health challenges that are unique to males, and this resolution focuses attention on that reality and the opportunities to respond, so as to live better and longer.”

The resolution states that according to the United States Census Bureau, 17% of women in Pennsylvania will be widows by age 69 due to the premature death of their husbands, and that the health of men affect all Pennsylvanians.

“We highly appreciate the support and recognition of Pennsylvania Legislature passing this resolution,” said Ana Fadich, MHN Vice President. “We carry out the ground work in reaching men and women with health messages, and we hope that as residents of Pennsylvania also see their own Legislators interest and recognition of men’s health issues, that they will also start paying more attention to health messages and will be more likely to implement them.”

In recognition of Men’s Health Awareness Day Men’s Health Network (MHN) will conduct health awareness activities at the Capitol during the day on April 16.

Men’s Health Network (MHN) is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to reach men, boys, and their families where they live, work, play, and pray with health prevention messages and tools, screening programs, educational materials, advocacy opportunities, and patient navigation. Learn more about MHN at and follow us on Twitter @MensHlthNetwork.

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