Monongahela Valley Hospital is joining the movement to better health. Effective Jan. 2, 2014, MVH will become a tobacco-free environment.
“It’s the right thing to do,” said Louis J. Panza Jr., the health system’s president and CEO. “The residents of this area look to Monongahela Valley Hospital for guidance, and they trust us to act responsibly in matters related to preventative health care.”
The new tobacco-free policy will apply to all patients, visitors, employees, medical staff, volunteers, contractors and students on the hospital’s Carroll Township campus including the parking garage. In addition, the use of tobacco products will be prohibited in all Hospital-owned or leased buildings and outdoor areas as well as vehicles parked on MVH-owned or leased premises.
Smoking and tobacco products include but are not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, pipes, electronic cigarettes, chewing tobacco including dip, oral and spitting tobacco, snuff and any other form of smokeless tobacco.
Medical and scientific experts have conducted extensive research which indicates that smoking, the inhalation of second-hand smoke and the use of tobacco products are major health threats. As a community leader for health and wellness, MVH has an obligation to provide and promote a safe and healthful environment for everyone who visits its sites.