Many of you have followed the tremendous growth that the Western Pennsylvania Hospital News brand has experienced in the past two years. In fact, we have now become known as the other business newspaper in town.
For over 25 years, we have been covering the healthcare industry, and during that time many other publications have followed suit. That was great news for the medical community. Even though there has been more media attention devoted to health and wellness, it’s still difficult for most of us to understand and appreciate what we are fortunate enough to have—that is, until we need it.
Hospital News is also known as the fastest growing local newspaper in the region using social media marketing tools. Today, we have over 7,000 social media connections among our staff. And yes, we got them one at a time using tools such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Many of your businesses are just beginning to discover the power of social media and many of you have made tremendous strides.
As consumers, many of us have been using social media and the web to find answers to our healthcare questions—not only for ourselves but for our family’s health as well. Recognizing that there is a need for better access to consumer health information online—through the web and social media—we are proud to launch Pittsburgh Healthcare Report, the region’s first digital publication covering healthcare. You can find us online
We will work all day, everyday, to deliver the latest consumer healthcare news. We do recognize that there are existing print magazines and newspapers that cover healthcare on a monthly or quarterly basis—and they are all terrific. However, we are encouraging you to not see Pittsburgh Healthcare Report as new competition. Rather, our target is to tap into the instantaneous world of connecting through digital means, whether it’s on your smartphone, iPad, or laptop. I don’t need to tell you how all of us are reading newspapers less and less. Through Pittsburgh Healthcare Report, we will be offering a variety of options for your business to engage with our audience.
What will also distinguish our new venture is that we know this region as well as the major newspapers and magazines in this city. But we are the only media outlet that has covered the healthcare market exclusively since Ronald Reagan was president.
We hope you’ll consider joining us and becoming a partner with us in someway. Don’t sit on the sidelines. Don’t miss this opportunity to ride the social media and digital wave to its fullest potential. This new world has empowered us way beyond our imaginations. Whether it’s questions regarding your health, your children’s health, or perhaps your parent’s health, look to Pittsburgh Healthcare Report on your iPhone, tablet PC, or your Kindle. We’ll offer you Pittsburgh healthcare news when you need it and where you know you can find it.
Harvey Kart