Monongahela Valley Hospital’s physicians and staff are doing their part to help women of all ages during Breast Cancer Awareness month in October.
MVH and its Regional Cancer Center will present a free Breast Cancer Education and Screening Luncheon on Wednesday, Oct. 30, at 1 p.m. in the hospital’s Anthony M. Lombardi Education Conference Center.
The event is free to all women who register and will feature a light lunch, two guest speakers, information regarding early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer as well as optional breast examinations.

The presentations will be given by Natalie Furgiuele, M.D., a breast surgeon at MVH, and Mohsen Isaac, M.D., director of Radiation Oncology at MVH.
In addition to the physicians, radiology technologists from MVH will discuss breast cancer facts, techniques of performing breast self-examinations, and the importance of mammograms and mammography resources.
Following the optional physical breast exams by members of the hospital’s medical staff, a mammogram will be scheduled for any woman who has an abnormal finding during the screening. Routine yearly mammograms may also be scheduled for women who have a family history of breast cancer, who fall into a high-risk category, and who have never had a baseline mammogram or who meet the recommended age guidelines.
“Knowledge is power and this program will increase awareness of this important issue in women’s lives,” said Lisa Hruby, MVH assistant vice president of Nursing. “Our physicians’ clinical experiences and expertise will make this a valuable and timely presentation for our guests.”
Advance registration is required by calling MVH’s registration hotline at 724-258-1333.