Control the Urge: Tips for Treating Your Overactive Bladder

Control the Urge: Tips for Treating Your Overactive Bladder

Frequent trips to the toilet and the urge to urinate despite having just used the restroom are tell-tale signs of urinary retention. The most common type of urinary retention is overactive bladder, which can be a challenge to diagnose due to personal embarrassment and lack of knowledge. No one is destined to live with this condition. Get familiar with these tips for treating your overactive bladder and start enjoying a regular lifestyle.

Try Behavioral Therapies for Your Overactive Bladder

Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises

When visiting a medical center for urinary retention issues, your doctor may run a biofeedback test to help them understand what changes in your body are causing the condition. Biofeedback uses electric sensors to determine where your body needs strengthening. Next, your doctor may recommend exercises, such as Kegels, to strengthen the pelvis and sphincter.

Pro Tip: Performing your pelvic floor muscle exercises regularly will result in more improvement!

Bladder Training

Your doctor may also recommend bladder training, which is about delaying the urge to urinate. Start delaying the urge for 30 minutes and work up to two and four hours until you are on a schedule. Bladder training goes together with pelvic floor muscle training because you won’t be able to control the urge to urinate without the proper strength.

Medications for Your Overactive Bladder

Many medications and urinary incontinence products are on the market to aid with this problem. You doctor may prescribe something to help relax your bladder. Medications for overactive bladder come in the form of creams, tablets, rings, and suppositories. The side effects are usually dry mouth and constipation, which you can relieve with gum and a high-fiber diet. Drink small sips of water if using it to rid dry mouth so you do not overfill your bladder.

Avoid Certain Foods If You Have Overactive Bladder

If you struggle with overactive bladder, you should avoid foods that will trigger your incontinence. Reducing your symptoms by eliminating caffeine, alcohol, sugar, and spicy foods from your diet is one of the best tips for treating your overactive bladder at home. Further, pay attention to your intake of liquids. Too much water after dinner could cause nighttime accidents.

Most therapies do not work overnight; in the most extreme cases of overactive bladder, doctors recommend injections and surgeries. While you may need to give up some of your favorite foods for a period, you will soon be able to enjoy them again. In the meantime, use protective underwear and sheets if you are concerned about bladder leakage.

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