The health and well-being of our body and mind go hand-in-hand, as they are influenced by each other. Our body listens to everything that our mind says. But this harmony gets disturbed when there is a headache. A sensation of pain in any part of the head is called a headache. This perturbing pain varies in degrees from sharp to dull and is capable of upsetting our ability to think and perform. On the lighter side, headaches can have causes like stress or tension, insomnia, exposure to loud noise, incorrect eyeglass prescription or usage of a tight headwear. More serious headaches result from an underlying medical disorder like hypertension or can be a migraine. The severity of pain and frequency of painful episodes influence the sufferer’s decision to meet a medical practitioner. Though pain-relief medication is the fundamental solution, chiropractic care is gaining momentum as a powerful remedial approach.
What type of Headache is yours?
There are certain pain-sensitive areas in the brain that encompass blood vessels, muscles, and nerves of the head and neck. A disturbance in these pain-sensitive areas results in a headache that is a stand-alone illness, named as primary headaches. Classic examples of primary headaches include tension headaches and migraines. Stimulation of the brain’s pain-sensitive areas as a result of other conditions results in secondary headaches. The stimulants could be an alcohol-induced hangover, dehydration, and overuse of pain medication, apart from medical conditions like stroke. Rebound headaches are examples of secondary headaches.
Tension headache: This is the most common occurrence. They manifest as band-like tension around the head beginning slowly and gradually in the middle of the head. The pain is dull and constant, appearing on both sides of the head. Episodic attacks span for a few hours duration in several days, while chronic ones last for nearly a fortnight and may continuously appear for at least 3 months.
Migraine headaches: These are characterized by throbbing or pulsating pain on one side of the head, either side or even the front region. The pain takes the company of light-headedness, nausea or vomiting sensation, blurred vision and sensory disturbances known as auras. Migraine sufferers experience extreme sensitivity to glaring light and noise. Migraines usually last for a few hours to a couple of days.
Rebound headache – Using pain-relief medication for headache is the line of treatment approach. Still, overuse of such medication can result in persistent pain throughout the day in the head region. Though pain-relievers help, when their effect wards off, rebound headaches typically get worse. Rebound headaches are accompanied by other discomforts like neck pain, reduced sleep quality, restlessness and a feeling of nasal congestion.
Cluster headaches: These are distinguished by a severe sharp or burning pain in the head lasting between 15 minutes to 3 hours. In a day, it can occur once or repeat itself for up to 8 times and may span out over weeks to several months. The pain is localized in or around one eye making the affected area red and swollen.
Cervicogenic headaches – As the name suggests,its one-sided pain in the head stemming out from an underlying neck problem. The headache usually starts from the back and moves towards the front of the head region. It is accompanied by shoulder or arm pain on the corresponding side of the headache.
What kind of Headaches resolve with Chiropractic care?
Headache is usually treated with pain relievers and also through alternative approaches like acupuncture, meditation, hypnosis, cognitive behavior therapy and even through herbal products. Among others, Chiropractic care is gaining significance as a holistic remedial approach.
What is chiropractic care?
It is an alternative medicine approach that is non-invasive and safest owing to no drug use. Trained specialists use their hand or take the help of small instruments to correct the alignment, motion or function of a vertebral joint.
How is chiropractic care beneficial for headaches?
Health disturbances like a headache that involve the nerves and muscles are managed by this approach. It involves relaxing muscles and restoring normal nerve function by introducing a very precise and controlled impulse into a specific region of the spine or vertebral joint. After the procedure, there is free and favorable mobility in the joints which assures pain relief.
Which chiropractic method helps?
Tension headaches, migraine, and cervicogenic headaches are effectively resolved with chiropractic care. Chiropractic care providers, for instance, the experts at Align Meridian, assess, diagnose and treat headaches. Each type of headache requires a specified approach and responds differently to chiropractic care.
Tension headaches synonymize prolonged muscular tension in the areas of head, neck, and shoulders. So the therapy option is low-load craniocervical mobilization, wherein a gentle force applied on the neck joints allows the rhythmic movement of cervical segments. Stretching complements this remedial option.
For migraines in chiropractic care, suggested treatment methods include neuromuscular massage and a multidisciplinary care intervention. The gentle massage focuses on trigger points in the head, neck, shoulder and back regions that can relieve migraine symptoms. Along with this, exercise therapy, relaxation techniques, diet counseling, and stress management effectively reduce the frequency and duration of pain. Such a wholesome approach manages migraine-associated disability in the long run.
Cervicogenic headaches resolve with chiropractic therapy modes like spinal manipulation, joint mobilization, and deep neck flexion exercises. A controlled force applied to the cervical (neck) region of the spine reduces inflammation and relieves pressure in that region. This is harmonized with the passive and improved movement of the affected joint. With professional-guided, neck-supporting exercises that favorably stretch and mobilize muscles and joints in the head and neck region.
Remedial methods used in Chiropractic Care
To decrease the intensity and frequency of headaches various methods are used including manual therapy like spine manipulation, joint mobilization, and neuromuscular massage. Electrical stimulation, acupuncture, rehabilitation, lifestyle changes, and co-management are also helpful.
Headache is a health disturbance that affects well-being. It imposes a threat to concentration, reasoning, and performance which ultimately induce mental stress. Medications relieve pain, but it is essential to work on the cause and assess the nature of pain to curb recurrence and stay pain-free in the long run. Such a benefit is expected with chiropractic care.