Celtic Healthcare Announces New Virtual Care Division

Answering the call for accountable care, Celtic Healthcare is helping physicians, hospitals and insurers through our unique Celtic Virtual Care Division and Disease Management Programs.

Celtic Virtual Care has codified nearly two decades of chronic homecare mastery into our Virtual Chronic Care™ methodology. Using our program and principles, healthcare organizations can achieve significant reductions in preventable patient re-admissions and care delivery expenses. Accountable, coordinated care can be more affordable, manageable and seamless than ever before.

Using a detailed, sequential process of Care Transition Management, Medication and Lifestyle Management, and Daily Symptom Management, significant measurable outcomes can be achieved.

Celtic Healthcare is positioned to be a key player in Community Based Organizations (CBOs) contributing to Community Based Care Transitions Programs (CCTPs) with our proven Disease Management Programs for Heart Failure, COPD, and Diabetes.

The Celtic Virtual Care team is led by Marian Essey, RN, BSN, who previously served as National Director of CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) Home Health Quality Improvement Campaign to Reduce Avoidable Hospitalizations.  Marian worked with many key healthcare stakeholders in developing and implementing programs to improve healthcare quality and reduce costs. Marian came to Celtic in 2007 with a vision of applying the transformational models of disease management and care transitions to Celtic’s growing patient population. The resulting programs gained immense popularity among hospitals, physicians and patients, and grew to become the Celtic Virtual Care Program.

For more information on Celtic Virtual Care, visit their new website at www.virtualchroniccare.com or through the home website at www.celtichealthcare.com

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