Getting medical care after a car accident can be a tricky situation, not just because you will probably be in a state of shock. At times, there are diverse insurance policies in place and you may not really be sure about the coverage you should use to pay the medical bills. In fact, you may not even know whether your health insurance covers accident injuries. The fact that you will claim personal injury compensation eventually complicates things even further. Still, as a victim, your concern would be to have your medical bills paid, whether by your health cover or in the form of a car accident compensation claim. Being aware of this situation is important so that you can be stress-free about the treatment expenses and focus only on your recovery. Here are some facts about car accident injuries and health insurance.
Auto policies have the first responsibility
Typically, the first responsibility for a car crash injury comes on the auto policy and the payments should be charged against it. A basic liability car insurance coverage is mandated for vehicle owners in most states. The amount of coverage it offers can vary but all the medical bills for the injuries sustained by a victim in a crash have to be paid up to the limits of the at-fault driver’s policy. However, if your health cover paid the medical bills first, the insurer can go ahead and claim the amount from the insurance company of the responsible driver.
Recovering compensation for injuries
It is clear that both the insurance companies may fight behind the scenes when there are both kinds of covers involved. Obviously, your health insurance provider wouldn’t want to bear the cost of your injuries if the mishap happened due to someone else’s negligence. While this is one segment fighting for the recovery of expenses, you can hire injury lawyers to recover out-of-pocket expenses as well. This is usually done to cover the deductibles or co-pays you may have shared with the health insurer during the treatment. After all, you legally deserve the compensation for every single dollar spent on treatment.
Understanding the concept of victim’s expense
Thefinancial responsibility for the medical treatment of an insured person is to be borne by the health insurance carrier. This applies to car accident injuries as well, provided that all other types of payment are exhausted. There may still be some expenses that the victim has to bear. These include the deductible amount under the policy, any co-payments that are needed and any other charges not covered by the policy. Clearly, this means that you may still have to bear some expenses for your treatment after the accident even if you have a health cover. So you deserve to be compensated for these and the liability totally falls on the guilty party or their insurer.
Whether you have health insurance or not, one thing is clear- the cost of damages and injuries in a car accident shouldn’t be a burden for you. And you must absolutely file a claim with the help of a lawyer and get what you deserve.