Breast Cancer Awareness Month: The Importance of Early Detection 

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among American women. More than 310,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in women in the U.S. in 2024, along with 56,500 new cases of non-invasive breast cancer. 

The good news is, with improved screenings, early detection and advanced treatment options, many types of breast cancer may be curable. In fact, there are more than 4 million breast cancer survivors in the United States.  

As we recognize October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, here are five facts to consider about detecting and preventing breast cancer. 

Early diagnosis may be a game changer

On average, the five-year breast cancer survival rate is 90%, while for patients diagnosed with localized breast cancer, the five-year survival rate is close to 100%. It’s important to get diagnosed early, because the earlier you’re diagnosed, the less intensive treatment may be, and the greater the chance of a positive outcome. 

Mammograms matter

Mammograms are vital for early breast cancer detection. While it’s important to note that roughly half of all women will have a false positive result in a 10-year period, don’t let that discourage you. Most breast cancer is detected by mammogram before symptoms appear, making it a crucial tool. It is recommended that all women receive a mammogram every other year, starting at age 40 and continuing through age 74.  

In Pennsylvania, more than 73% of women in that age range had a mammogram within the last two years, compared to the national rate of 72%, according to the America’s Health Rankings Annual Report.

The test may detect breast irregularities that can be further examined with techniques, such as a biopsy, to help determine a cancer diagnosis. Your breast density may also inform the types of screening best for you. Talk with your doctor to determine what kind of screening plan works best for you given your health, age and family history of breast cancer. 

Most breast cancer isn’t hereditary

Only 5% to 10% of all breast cancers are caused by genetic factors, such as gene mutations that significantly increase a person’s chance of developing breast and other cancers during their lifetime. Ask your doctor whether genetic testing makes sense for you. 

Breast changes are normal, but don’t ignore symptoms that persist

Breasts come in all shapes and sizes, and they can change based on a woman’s age, menstrual cycle and other factors. Breast lumps, rashes and discharge are common, and these things don’t necessarily mean you have cancer. If you notice changes to your breast that persist, seek evaluation. 

It most likely won’t be cancer. Don’t be so scared that you avoid getting it evaluated. And, if the symptom persists after an initial course of treatment, such as an antibiotic or cream, make sure you follow up with your doctor or see a specialist. 

Rarer symptoms such as bloody nipple discharge or hard lumps in the breast or under the armpit should be checked out right away. 

A healthy lifestyle can make a difference

The most important way to prevent breast cancer is by exercising and maintaining a healthy weight. The more fat tissue we have, the more estrogen our bodies make. Some forms of breast cancer “feed” on estrogen. 

The American Cancer Society recommends 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate physical activity or 1 to 2 hours of vigorous activity each week to help lower the risk of cancer. 

In addition to exercise, the American Institute for Cancer Research recommends dietary guidelines. These include limiting alcohol, reducing added sugar consumption and eating a diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. 

Staying on top of annual exams and openly communicating any concerns with your doctor may help reduce your risk of breast cancer or help with early detection.

Image: ID 293281680 | Breast Cancer Awarness © Oksana Fedorchuk |

Lisa Saul
Dr. Lisa Saul
Chief Medical Officer, Women’s Health at UnitedHealthcare |  + posts

Dr. Lisa Saul is Chief Medical Officer, Women’s Health, for UnitedHealthcare.