Balance Your Hormones Naturally

JillProShot_RBy Dr. Jillian Finker

Many men and women have health issues related to hormonal imbalances. Various symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, PMS, anxiety and depression can be caused by an underlying hormonal issue. 

These health problems may be related to thyroid issues, adrenal gland issues, and/or male/female hormonal issues. A sluggish thyroid could cause weight gain, hair loss, brain fog and fatigue. If you have any of these symptoms, make sure your doctor checks TSH, Free T4, Free T3 and thyroid antibody levels to make sure the thyroid is functioning properly. Avoiding processed soy in the food supply and utilizing a chlorine filter in the shower can protect the thyroid from becoming unbalanced. Also, ingesting a glandular thyroid and selenium supplement when appropriate can help the thyroid to heal.

Adrenal glands dysfunction can contribute to anxiety or depression. It’s important that cortisol levels are tested in blood work along with a urine or salivary adrenal panel. Make sure to eat protein with each meal to balance blood sugar levels in order to support the adrenal glands. Taking adrenal glandulars along with other nutrients such as pantothenic acid, biotin and vitamin C can help to normalize the adrenal glands.

Abnormal estrogen, progesterone, DHEA and testosterone levels in men and women can contribute to fatigue, general malaise, weight gain, mood changes, etc. Avoiding plastic, pesticides, toxic chemical cleaners, hormone-injected red meat, and processed soy can help to balance these hormones. Using bioidentical hormones when appropriate can cure these problems.

It is important that you consult with your doctor before taking any supplements or bioidentical hormones.

Dr. Jillian Finker, Naturopathic Doctor has a private practice in Bellmore, New York. She specializes in women’s health and is an expert in natural medicine.  Dr. Finker has been selected as the best Alternative Doctor on Long Island for 2011, 2012 and 2013. She has been on various television programs, radio shows and she is a frequent lecturer nationwide.  She was the technical editor for Boosting Your Immunity for Dummies and is in the process of editing other health books.  Her work has been highlighted in First for Women’s magazine several times, along with other major journals and publications.  It’s About Wellness, Naturally her latest publication is available

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