From the desk of Arnie Burchianti, President, Founder, & CEO, Celtic Healthcare
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.
Let me put that another way just in case you didn’t understand the importance or impact of this statement. Heart disease is our nation’s #1 Killer.
Are you at risk?
February is American Heart Month. Since 1963, Congress has felt it important enough to require every President to proclaim February “American Heart Month” to urge Americans to fight the battle against this devastating chronic disease.
Per the American Heart Association, one in three Americans (36.9 percent) have some form of heart disease, including high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke and other conditions. By 2030, approximately 116 million people in the United States (40.5 percent) will have some form of cardiovascular disease. The largest increases are anticipated to be in stroke (up 24.9 percent) and heart failure (up 25 percent).
This February, take the time to raise your awareness about heart disease and increase your knowledge about the prevention of it. There are many great resources right at your fingertips. The American Heart Association has an extremely informative website ( with education, resources, tips, tools, and even inspirational stories of hope.
Celtic Healthcare is a specialist in caring for homebound patients with chronic diseases, such as heart disease, utilizing the best outcomes-based homecare interventions and care, telephonic and virtual assessments and communication, and education on self-management that leads to a more healthy independence. If you or a loved one is in need of specialized homecare for heart disease, don’t hesitate to contact Celtic Healthcare for more information.
In February, my wish for you is a healthy heart to love and enjoy your family, your friends, and your life.
Warm Regards,