If you’re reluctant to make an appointment with a chiropractor because you’re not sure what to expect, we’re here to help. A licensed chiropractor can help align your spine without drugs or invasive techniques. That can reduce pain, increase mobility, and even relieve headaches. You could experience one of the most common chiropractic adjustments for your treatment.
Diversified Technique
Also known as the Direct Thrust technique, this is one of the oldest and most commonly used methods for spinal alignment. Practitioners use their hands to deliver short, extremely precise thrusts and impulses to the spine. It can positively affect your range of movement.
Activator Technique
Rather than using hands, a chiropractor sometimes finds it’s more efficient to use a small instrument to provide more gentle impulses to the spine. It can be more comfortable for patients, especially seniors. The Activator Technique is one of the ways a practitioner can treat everything from back pain to migraine headaches.
Flexion-Distraction Technique
If a patient suffers pressure on injured spinal nerves, this gentle method can stretch and decompress the spine. The patient will lay down on a table so the chiropractor can manipulate the spine and skull. This can help improve sciatica, arthritis, disc herniation, and even leg and neck pain.
Thompson Technique
This practice involves a table as well, but it features padded platforms that will drop less than an inch in response to the chiropractor’s adjustments. It feels like a vibration to patients. The method works for the spine or different extremities.
Gonstead Adjustment
Before taking any action, the chiropractor analyzes the spinal region for ultimate precision. With hands-on manipulation, the practitioner can reduce pain as well as inflammation.
Spinal Manipulation
This is also called spinal mobilization or manual therapy. It’s one of the most common chiropractic adjustments because it can treat a wide variety of conditions. The gentle thrusts and stretching of the spine increase flexibility and improve nerve function.