5 Natural Methods for Teeth Whitening

Have you ever tried teeth whitening at home? Individuals who aren’t fans of professional teeth bleaching can take advantage of various natural methods invented for the same purpose. Some methods were invented hundreds of years ago, such as oil pulling, whereas others are considered modern solutions. 

Nowadays, plenty of individuals prefer baking soda, activated charcoal, and apple cedar vinegar over bleaching agents. As long as these ingredients are used in correct amounts and applied properly, the results can be surprising. Nevertheless, natural teeth-whitening methods require patience since the outcome isn’t immediate. 

Learn more about the following five methods of natural teeth whitening. 

Try oil pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient technique people from India invented for teeth whitening and cleaning the oral cavity from bacteria. It’s quite similar to using mouthwash, as oil should be swished in the mouth between ten and thirty minutes. Only a single spoon of oil is enough for getting rid of the bacteria inside the mouth. 

Even though coconut oil is mainly used to perform this teeth-whitening technique, sunflower and sesame oil were more famous in the past. Being abundant in lauric acid makes coconut oil effective in killing bacteria and alleviating inflammation. Read more about the uses of coconut oil when it comes to health.

While swishing the oil, it shouldn’t, in any event, come in contact with the back of your throat. Also, keep in mind that swallowing the oil is not an option because of the bacteria it contains. Once you’re done oil pulling, make sure you spit it and have a glass of water. 

Moreover, oil pulling has an indirect teeth-whitening effect by eliminating the amount of plaque. Since plaque is known to induce stains, this natural method prevents such a negative effect from taking place. The leading bacteria responsible for the creation of plaque is Streptococcus mutans, which is present in the saliva. After a week of oil swishing, sesame oil is capable of reducing the presence of this bacteria.  

Use apple cider vinegar

Another natural teeth-whitening method worth the try is the use of apple cider vinegar. Due to the amount of acetic acid, individuals should be extremely careful when applying this ingredient to their teeth. Only small amounts are necessary for apple cider vinegar to provide the desired whiteness. 

The best way to use this type of vinegar for improving the brightness of your smile is in the form of mouthwash. You’re supposed to mix six ounces of water and two small spoons of vinegar to create the right solution. The liquid is supposed to be swished for no longer than thirty seconds, following which the mouth should be rinsed with water. 

It’s crucial for users to stick to the recommended amount of apple cider vinegar, as using larger amounts would only result in damage done to the enamel. The surface of teeth is susceptible to acetic acid, which is why the vinegar has to be diluted in a sufficient amount of water. The following link, https://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/diet/apple-cider-vinegar-nutrition-facts-health-benefits-risks-more/, explains the uses, benefits, and dosage of apple cider vinegar. 

Use baking soda

Baking soda is a worldwide popular ingredient used in the process of teeth whitening. Its mild abrasiveness is considered helpful in improving teeth whiteness and creating an alkaline environment in the oral cavity. Although the results from this natural method aren’t immediate, many people prefer it because of the incredible whiteness it provides. 

Additionally, baking soda can be used in a variety of ways. There are special toothpastes containing this ingredient, which are believed to be more effective in stain removal when compared to standard toothpaste types. Nevertheless, you can make a paste on your own by mixing one tiny spoon of baking soda and two spoons of water. Anyhow, it shouldn’t be used daily because of the risk of damaging the enamel. A few times a week is enough for getting the results you expected. 


Another way of using baking soda for stain removal is by combining it with hydrogen peroxide. Instead of water, two spoons of hydrogen peroxide are mixed with a single spoon of baking soda. These ingredients can be used to make either a paste or mouthwash, depending on the method you find more convenient. The results should be visible following a six-week period. 

Try using lemon or orange peels

Lemon and orange peels are claimed to provide teeth-whitening results if rubbed on teeth. One is supposed to rub the peels of these fruits for as long as two minutes by making gentle movements. Afterward, individuals should rinse their mouths and brush their teeth. These peels are believed to be helpful because of d-limonene, the acid found in citric fruits. 

In fact, d-limonene is a consistent part of many teeth-whitening formulas owing to its incredible ability to reduce tea and smoking stains. Instead of choosing professional teeth whitening, you can start whitening your teeth at home with the help of natural ingredients and teeth-whitening kits. Nowadays, the largest part of teeth-whitening kits is designed to treat staining without increasing dental sensitivity. 

When practicing this natural teeth-whitening method, people should be cautious, like in the case of apple cider vinegar. Given the abrasive nature of citric acid, make sure not to rub the peels against your teeth for longer than two minutes to prevent enamel erosion. If you experience sensitivity immediately after rubbing the peels, don’t hesitate to end the process. 

Use activated charcoal

Activated charcoal is a popular teeth-whitening method due to the absorbing properties of this ingredient. The most convenient way of using it is by applying the contents of an activated charcoal capsule on the toothbrush and brushing your teeth incredibly gently. Also, you can mix the capsule contents with water in order to make a mouthwash. People who aren’t fond of experimenting can purchase toothpaste containing activated charcoal. 

Final word

No matter which ingredient you choose, you should be patient with the results. Your smile will get brighter in a few weeks.

Nothing happens overnight!

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