4 Things to Do Before Your Baby Arrives

So you’re expecting a child? Congratulations! For most women, having a baby is a blessing and something that has been thoroughly planned and excitedly looked forward to, but it’s also a scary time of life and for many women, it can seem like there is suddenly a whole lot to learn in a very small space of time!

You’re Not Alone

As the old saying goes, women have been having babies for millennia – it just so happens that now we know a lot more about pregnancy and childbirth, and how to raise healthy, happy, and well-adjusted children. Even though having babies is perfectly natural, there are still worries and concerns with every pregnancy that can make some moms-to-be panic that everything will be OK.

Here are four things you should think about and prep before your baby arrives to help put your mind at ease.

Get Healthy

When you’re pregnant, your body is not your own. From the first time you see that positive pregnancy test line or even the first time you hear a heartbeat, you’ll have that overwhelming sense of responsibility to protect this little life growing inside of you, and that means getting serious about your health.

Your health matters because whatever you are putting into your body and doing to your body will be passed onto baby, so now is the time to get fitter, stock up on your prenatal vitamins with DHA, sort your mind out with a qualified therapist, and ensure that you’re staying away from foods and drinks that could have a detrimental effect.

It’s a big lifestyle change for most women, but having a healthy attitude to your body and the changes you’ll experience will be the most important part.

Order The Expensive Things Early

Let’s face it, if there’s one thing that babies all share in common, it’s that they are expensive. From strollers to cots, white noise machines, to baby rockers, babies are not a cheap addition to the family, and they keep on demanding for many years after their birth! Get started early and buy the expensive items, like a stroller, early on so you know you’ll have it when the time comes.

Have a Baby Shower

Speaking of getting things for the baby, having a baby shower is a great way to get things for your baby without having to pay out for lots yourself.

It may seem a little harsh to expect your friends and family to buy you things, but most people want to give a contribution towards the baby, and this is a great way for them to do it by buying things you need from a pre-registered baby wish list.

Get to Know Your Midwives

You may have seen in the news that the US ranks fairly high in maternal mortality rates in the western world, and while this is scary for mother and baby, you should feel comforted that most pregnancies end in a healthy live birth and both mom and baby survive.

If you have any worries, speak with your midwife team and ask questions before the birth so you are prepared.

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