4 things to consider before having plastic surgery

The amount of people getting plastic surgery rises every year. What was once only accessible to celebrities is now cheaper and more accessible. Non-invasive procedures such as botox or lip filler tend to be the most popular, but there are also a considerable amount of people getting invasive procedures such as nose jobs and breast implants. Although it has become safer over time, the rise has also caused there to be lots of different methods. Not all of which are safe for everyone, and like any medical procedure, they come with risk. This is highlighted by the recent recall of BIOCELL textured breast implants, which were found to increase the risk of breast cancer.

However, even the safest procedures can cause harm to some people. This may be because of an unknown allergy or their body may reject something foreign in their body. To reduce this risk as much as you can, you should consider these 4 things.

Consider why you want plastic surgery

First things first. Think about why you want the procedure done. Make the decision for yourself and no one else. It should be about your self-confidence, changing something that has perhaps bothered you for a long time. Some things might be in fashion now but go out of fashion later, so beware of getting plastic surgery due to a trend.

Do your research

This cannot be stressed enough. Do your research and go to a safe place. There are many stories of people going abroad to get surgery and something going wrong, especially when people travel abroad to save money. If something goes wrong abroad it can be particularly traumatic. You may not have friends and family nearby to support you, or you could be trying to speak with doctors who don’t speak the same language as you. Whilst traveling abroad could save money, in the long run, more will be spent trying to fix the problem.

Save up however much it costs beforehand and go to the best surgeon – this is your body and your health and a decision which might stay with you forever.

Talk to people

Talk about your decision with your friends and family and try and get their support if you can. You can also talk through your reasons with them to ensure that it is the right choice for you.

You should also talk to your surgeon. Don’t be afraid to ask lots of questions. You should tell your surgeon about any illnesses or issues you have. You may also want to talk to them about your skin type, if it is sensitive, scars easily or prone to bruising – you should let your surgeon know all the relevant details, even if they seem insignificant.

Another great tip is to find like-minded people who have had the same procedure or are considering the same thing. There are many groups on social media where you can talk to people in private groups or the website real self is also very active. You should talk to people before your procedure and then afterward as well so you can compare the healing process, and get any tips from people who have had the same procedure as you.

Consider aftercare

You need to be aware of how long it will take you to heal after an operation. Consider any responsibilities you have such as work or children and how you will be able to cope. Good aftercare is essential to prevent any complications and reduce scarring.

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